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Tips & Trends

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The Advanced Exercise team of fitness design experts has in-depth understanding of the fitness and wellness market, the latest fitness equipment trends, and how to best meet the needs of clients seeking fitness design and program solutions. Connect with us to receive tips and trends around fitness design and commercial fitness equipment through our popular blog.
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The Advanced Exercise team of fitness design experts has in-depth understanding of the fitness and wellness market, the latest fitness equipment trends, and how to best meet the needs of clients seeking fitness design and program solutions. Connect with us to receive tips and trends around fitness design and commercial fitness equipment through our popular blog.
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  • news
  • Date Posted


    AUG 2021
  • Mother Nature, Here We Come! Outdoor Fitness Is Here to Stay

    Treadmill fatigue is real and after a year or more of self-quarantine, and the ongoing threat of Coronavirus transmission, getting outside is VERY welcome. While the pandemic accelerated nationwide awareness of fitness alternatives, it has also given way to an outdoor fitness boon.
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  • Date Posted


    MAY 2021
  • 5 Fresh Ideas to Jump-Start Fitness this Spring

    With Spring officially here, the weather getting warmer, and pandemic restrictions starting to ease a bit, new additions to encourage more exercise engagement are on the rise.
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  • Date Posted


    JAN 2021
  • Opening Up, Securing the Supplies, and Staying the Course

    As vaccines are deployed and progress is discussed about battling the pandemic while businesses, gyms, restaurants, schools and retail locations open back up, the challenging balance between the two efforts is the dominant topic of conversation.
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  • Date Posted


    DEC 2020
  • Adapting and Advancing - How 2020 Changed Us All

    At the end of the gauntlet that has been this year, there seems to be a surge of anticipation, the tense moment that comes before the starter's gun, that we're all feeling right now. Very few, if any, are sad to see this year draw to a close, and the anxiousness to "get on with it" in 2021 is palpable.
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  • Date Posted


    OCT 2020
  • The Future of Fitness in the Age of COVID

    With re-openings and re-closings happening in waves across the country, all tied to COVID transmission concerns and rising infection rates, everyone is trying to figure out how to work around and through COVID concerns to get back to a sense of normalcy.
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  • Date Posted


    JUN 2020
  • Public Safety Measures Matter to Bring Communities Back

    As doors start to reopen, every indoor gathering place is carefully considering if and how larger groups can safely convene inside. From schools and restaurants, to offices and rec centers, and every type of facility in between, public safety measures are being recommended and implemented to help community members feel safer while virus transmission concerns linger.
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  • Date Posted


    APR 2020
  • Here's Why You Want Fitness Design Professionals Helping with Your Home Gym

    Over the past few weeks we've discovered the value of staying at home, while desperately missing some of the benefits of daily life before the COVID-19 outbreak. In the "new normal" that we're all trying to navigate, there looms the possibility of another wave of virus concerns in the future.