As the numbers keep rising and the impact of COVID19 begins to be realized, we are turning every effort towards our primary responsibility: the health and fitness of our communities. We recognize the imminent need to keep our communities engaged, to get through this crisis together.
Our communities are looking to us to help them weather this storm, to provide the benefits of fitness – boosting immunity, relieving stress, improving cardiovascular health… — even if fitness facility doors are closed. How do we do that?
There are several options to keep communities engaged in fitness activities remotely, until we can welcome everyone back together safely:
Free apps, online workouts and premium fitness subscription programs are being made widely available, many for no fee, during the COVID19 crisis:
- Life Fitness is making Workouts of the Day, delivered through Digital Coach, free to all exercisers for a limited time. They’re offering a new video workout of the day that provides users with a daily challenge, physical activity to look forward to, and help participants stay in shape until they can get back to the gym. https://go.lifefitness.com/wod
- Elevations Corporate Health, a leading fitness management organization, is making dozens of its proprietary group fitness classes in its online fitness library available free to the public until the crisis passes, no strings attached. Each of these workouts is led by one of their experienced fitness trainers, and participants can even use a self-guided 30-day calendar to track progress. Anyone who wants to can sign in through Elevation’s online portal at https://elevationportal.com/login; select “sign up” on the lower right of the login window; input name/email, create a password, and as soon as you verify your email, you’re good to go.
- For existing Wellbeats customers, who use Wellbeats’ 500+ fitness programs in their fitness centers, the company is providing free access to the Wellbeats app until April 30. Commercial clients can share app access with their communities via a special code, to open up Wellbeats’ programming for home use. Clients can also get easy instructions for integrating the app on a larger television screen for living room workouts and such. Existing Wellbeats clients can email aanderson@advancedexercise.com or their Advanced Exercise rep to get their Wellbeats app code.
- There are also numerous other options online from fitness organizations like spiro100, offering their programming free for 30 days, or compilation recommendations from health publications like health.com that you can share with your communities while facilities are shut down.

As gyms and fitness facilities are closed to protect populations and curb the spread of the virus, we’ve received numerous requests for home workout options, including equipment. If you’re looking for at-home workout options, or if your constituents are, there are some options that can help fill the fitness void until facilities can re-open. Some available options include:
- Local warehouses may have demo equipment, overstock or used/refurbished equipment available for pick up or potentially delivery to home addresses
- Echelon’s Reflect product and The Mirror are both interactive fitness mirrors that offer customized personal workouts.
- Dumbbells and other fitness accessories are easy, available tools for home. Rubber hex dumbbells are considered a fitness staple, and can be quickly shipped for residential delivery.
- Some cardio options are also available, like rowers from Aviron, EnergyFit or Spirit. Upright bikes or climbers are popular home options as well.
Inventory levels are fluctuating as some third-party providers are pulling back due to COVID19 restrictions, so availability might be limited. Your Advanced Exercise representative can help connect to you to available products, and help get them out to you, if you’re interested.

Whatever you choose to do to try to engage your employees, communities and populations during this time, please observe the CDC’s recommendations in every way possible:
- Social Distancing: please ensure that any facility or fitness area observes social distancing and proper facility cleaning.
- Self-quarantining: If you have returned traveling from a high-risk area (as designated by governmental or health authorities) within the past 14 days (whether business or personal travel), please self-isolate and continue to disinfect your surroundings so that you don’t transmit anything to or re-infect those around you.
- Diligent Cleanliness: Continue to be diligent with handwashing correct procedures, hand sanitizing, and ensuring that any group environments are following proper cleanliness protocols.
- Symptoms = Stay Home: If you are sick, stay home, for your own well-being and the good of your family, colleagues and neighbors.
We care deeply about the safety, fitness and wellness of the communities we serve. We are here to help you stay connected to those communities, in whatever ways we can, until we can open our doors and gather in groups again – appreciating the health that we’re fighting to preserve.
We look forward to celebrating the reopening of those doors and the return of the activity that we all miss so much right now. Please stay safe, prioritize health, and let us know how we can help.
We’re all in this together.