HIIT is a definite hit in the fitness realm. Decision-makers in the position of offering fitness amenities to campus, office, multi-family, corporate, or any other community are familiar with the ongoing demand for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) options, but it can be daunting trying to figure out how to meet that demand without alienating non-HIIT enthusiasts.
Due to the intensity of the maximum effort exercises, HIIT workouts can be shorter and more efficient than endurance-based workouts. Alternating between intervals of high-intensity effort and recovery, “HIIT workouts tend to burn more calories than traditional workouts, especially after the workout.” The efficiency of HIIT workouts is only one reason for its wild popularity, with another benefit being versatility. Some of the most accomplished athletes are HIIT advocates, but HIIT training is available to all fitness levels and abilities. With the right equipment and approach, facilities can easily “incorporate the principles of HIIT meaning gym-goers can avoid boredom and keep plateaus at bay by mixing things up.”
If you haven’t jumped on the HIIT bandwagon, the time is now. These five HIIT must-haves are the perfect place to start.
Curved, Powerless Treadmill
Runners are constantly looking for a better indoor experience to try and replicate an outdoor workout, especially this time of year, and the new curved treadmills are all the rage. Two reasons fuel this popularity: runners work about 30 percent harder on the curved, non-motorized treadmills, and “the curved treadmill allows runners to self-regulate with every footfall, just as they would outdoors.”
“The new curved treadmills are a stand-out addition to any fitness space,” said Erik Hillestad, an expert fitness design and equipment consultant for Advanced Exercise. “They’re powerless and sleek, so they can easily fit into different spaces, and users love them for the intense workout they provide. It’s really a great product, especially with the variable resistance lever, which allows you to provide near zero resistance for high speed running and heavy resistance to replicate sled pushing.”
Tire Flip
Who doesn’t love the beast-like feeling of throwing a tractor tire around? As much of an adrenaline rush as that can be as a HIIT exercise, the Tire Flip makes it safer, cleaner, and MUCH easier to do in the dead of winter. Besides all of that, it’s fun! As a multi-functional piece, you can adjust your weight and flip the tire over and over in a confined, controllable way – and no steel belt splinters to worry about! “This one works great in an unmanned fitness facility, as you don’t need staff on hand to explain it or keep patrons safe as they use it,” added Ryan Lenderman, another of Advanced Exercise’s expert consultants.
Suspension Bay
Suspension training is big, and it works well for both individuals and groups. It’s versatile, sophisticated, accessible and cool all at the same time. Add in a punching bag and you’ve got a well-rounded HIIT workout center with its own built-in storage. Whether it’s TRX or Life Fitness or another high-quality option, we like everything about this equipment, and we’re not the only ones. Suspension training options are sought after by every demographic, using body weight and functional movement to enliven any fitness routine.
Essentially three machines in one, Training Magazine calls the Airbike the “perfect cardio machine” due to its characteristics as a bike, elliptical or upper-body-only workout tool. “This makes the airbike a piece of kit that contains tremendous value as well as being a huge space saver. Rather than buying three machines, you’ve got it all in one.” For HIIT fitness options, there’s no programming required – just jump on and go (the resistance and intensity is up to you).
Synergy 360/90
This “equip-fit morph” (our own term for equipment that can morph and adapt to fit multiple, constantly varied fitness options) is both functional and fashionable. The ability to customize this unit to match the space available, the type of fitness programming desired, and the end users involved, makes it an invaluable addition to the fitness floor. It’s a small group training hub that has something for everyone. And because it’s modular, the facility can tailor the perfect system for its community to enjoy.
Beyond these key pieces, accessories play a big role in HIIT training. This is the realm of the kettlebell swing, the box jump, battle rope waves, sled pushes and the dreaded burpee. To be able to train with all these tools, let’s not forget the importance of an open, quality athletic floor as part of the HIIT phenomenon. Supporting safety, preserving acoustics and supporting ergonomics are vital when high intensity training is the focus, and an athletic floor like the options from industry-leader ECORE Athletic play a big part in the safety and longevity of your HIIT fitness areas (and the people who use them).
The HIIT movement isn’t going anywhere, so it’s wise to move with it so that it doesn’t pass you by (or worse yet, run over you). The Advanced Exercise team stands at the ready to help you with any of the above or an expansive range of other options for fitness facilities of all types. With strong expertise in designing and equipping fitness spaces for any and all interests, Advanced Exercise consultants can help identify, clarify and create those exceptional community qualities that set your offerings apart from the crowd.
About Advanced Exercise
Founded in 1986, Advanced Exercise is a leading fitness equipment and facility design resource, combining more than 30 years of design expertise with access to top fitness, wellness and recreation equipment brands to help clients create fitness experiences specific to the needs of their distinct communities. Advanced Exercise fitness consultants work with clients to maximize the use of available space in any facility, sourcing the best new or used equipment solutions for diverse ranges of fitness amenity end users. For more information on fitness equipment and facility design services, visit www.advancedexercise.com or call 800-520-1112 to connect with one of Advanced Exercise’s experts.