As doors start to reopen, every indoor gathering place is carefully considering if and how larger groups can safely convene inside. From schools and restaurants, to offices and rec centers, and every type of facility in between, public safety measures are being recommended and implemented to help community members feel safer while virus transmission concerns linger.
Worldwide, during the pandemic crisis of the past few months, communities have been educated and sensitized around cleanliness, hygiene and health concerns that can help stop the spread of Coronavirus. For those same community members, re-entering facilities carries new expectations. The wearing of masks, taking of temperatures, answering of questions and other measures to gauge public health levels are becoming standard practice, to the point where facilities who don’t show this level of concern risk being viewed as careless or irresponsible.
“We’ve been helping customers adapt their layouts to accommodate social distancing, trying to source anti-bacterial products that can help keep facilities and equipment continuously clean, and find other solutions for helping support health and fitness, as that’s what we do,” said Bruce Schlagel, vice president of sales for Advanced Exercise. “When we found a touchless temperature check system, we realized that it could be helpful as part of larger systems that are working together to safely allow groups to gather together again.”

Schools in particular are wrestling with how to reopen this fall, trying to determine how in-person instruction might work. In Colorado, “Both public and private schools will be required to follow health and safety precautions spelled out through Gov. Jared Polis’s executive orders. Those include mandating educators to wear face masks and screening students’ and staff members’ temperatures upon arrival to school, among other requirements.”
To monitor public health levels effectively, temperature “guns” and other means are available, but an efficient system that can get people into facilities quickly while accurately determining if they are symptomatic (without being overly intrusive, committing too many resources, or violating social distancing) is vital. The Temp CheckIn system is one of the few solutions that meets these criteria.

Touchless and accurate within 0.05 degrees, the Temp CheckIn system is easy to use, and takes temperature readings in less than one second via thermal cameras integrated into the eight inch tablet screen. Many facilities were forced to divert or hire additional personnel to monitor doors and log temperatures, which the Temp CheckIn units handle in a touchless, contact-less way that community members appreciate. Some younger patrons even comment on how “cool” the unit is, lessening some of the tension around the necessary protocols to help keep facilities safe. The units can also detect if guests are wearing facial coverings, declining entry for those without masks.

For the first time in months, The Ice Ranch in Littleton, Colorado was able to host a weekend 3v3 tournament and, thanks to the Temp CheckIn units at each door, guests and players were scanned and admitted safely into the arena, while keeping social distancing intact. “They have had no shortage of usage,” says general manager Terry Ott. “They have impressed almost everyone. Very efficient for us! So far, I like them very much.”
Richmond Heights’ Jon Gutmann installed a free-standing tower unit in his municipal recreation center in Missouri and was thoroughly pleased with the result. “Fast and easy set up! Members and staff really like the simplicity of the device and that it is hands free. The Face Mask requirement detection option is also a great bonus! The only issue is adjusting the device’s height to accommodate our various clientele. Well worth the investment as it makes facility entrance restrictions seamless!”
The screen adjustment angle has been the only less-than-satisfied feedback, as young children and adults have wildly different forehead angles that need to be read to get an accurate temperature. Though adults can bend to meet the screen silhouette, a step stool sometimes comes in handy for those who may be too short for a tabletop unit to scan them accurately.

A local school district administrator is putting Temp CheckIn units in schools this summer, as a pre-cursor to more activity, hopefully, this fall. “Our plan is to start using these as one more tool in the toolbox to help get kids back for our summer program,” he admitted, with more planned for the fall. “For athletes, a temperature check will be used to admit any student-athlete or staff member into our facilities. If we get back to athletic competition, I believe it would be a great tool for admitting fans too.”
Morning Consult did a survey in April and May among more than 1300 gym enthusiasts, and even among the most devoted nearly 70% said that they weren’t comfortable returning to the gym or attending workout classes, as they don’t feel safe without evident measures being taken.
“The two main areas of concentration for fitness facilities are temperature check options and anti-bacterial wipes that can keep equipment, commonly touched surfaces and guests’ hands clean between uses,” continued Schlagel. “Like the grocery store does with carts, fitness equipment should be sanitized with anti-bacterial wipes between each use, and we’re recommending layouts and equipment rotation that makes room for social distancing in facilities of all sizes and types.”

Anti-bacterial wipes are considered a critical element to keeping fitness facilities and the people who use them clean and safe while used within the recommended guidelines. Though no materials that are safe for skin contact have been proven to completely kill Coronavirus, the use of hand-washing, anti-bacterial wipes, social distancing and other measures are proven to, together, slow the spread of germs and viruses, allowing for safer public access for all involved.
Though many are experiencing supply chain delays, Advanced Exercise has secured guaranteed inventory of Temp CheckIn units and anti-bacterial wipes, working with facilities of all types who are changing processes and implementing infrastructure to safely reopen and continue to operate with public health and safety priorities in place. The Advanced Exercise team is also active in helping facilities adjust layouts to allow for social distancing boundaries.
About Advanced Exercise
Founded in 1986, Advanced Exercise is the leading resource for designing and equipping fitness and wellness spaces of any size and scope. Combining more than 30 years of design expertise with access to top fitness, wellness and recreation equipment brands (including performance flooring), Advanced Exercise experts help clients create fitness experiences specific to the needs of their distinct communities or individual personal preferences. Advanced Exercise fitness consultants work with clients to maximize the use of available space, sourcing the best new or used equipment solutions for diverse ranges of fitness amenity end users. For more information, visit or call 800-520-1112 to connect with the Advanced Exercise team.